From Handshakes to Hugs: Decoding the Mannerisms of World Leaders on the Global Stage

Farheen Viquas đź’•
5 min readJun 22, 2023


Photo Credit: Pinterest

When world political leaders convene, their interactions carry immense significance, shaping international relations and global policies. These high-stakes meetings demand the observance of etiquette, body language cues, and protocols to facilitate effective communication and avoid diplomatic missteps. While most leaders strive to exemplify decorum, there have been instances where breaches of these norms garnered attention.

In this article, we will explore the importance of etiquette, body language, and protocols during global gatherings, examining both positive and negative examples from world leaders, including Queen Elizabeth II and Narendra Modi.

When it comes to diplomatic engagements, the exchange of gifts plays a significant role in fostering goodwill and strengthening bilateral relationships. In recent times, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made headlines when he presented a gift of diamonds to U.S. President Joe Biden’s wife, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. This act of generosity and symbolism sparked both admiration and scrutiny, raising questions about the etiquette and implications of such a gesture in international relations. In this article, we delve into the dynamics of Modi’s gifting and analyze the etiquette behind this diplomatic exchange.

Significance of Diplomatic Gifts: Diplomatic gifts hold symbolic value, representing the cultural heritage, economic prowess, or personal connection between nations. They can serve as gestures of friendship, respect, or an opportunity to highlight a country’s unique offerings. Modi’s choice of gifting diamonds, known as the “Indian Gem,” reflects India’s rich tradition in the jewelry industry and its desire to showcase the nation’s craftsmanship and economic prowess.

Etiquette: Etiquette forms the bedrock of diplomatic engagements, fostering respect, professionalism, and cultural sensitivity. Leaders must exhibit courtesy, address counterparts with appropriate titles, and display refined table manners. In 2018, the handshake between U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lasted an uncomfortable length of time, exhibiting a lack of finesse and respect for personal boundaries. On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth II’s adherence to protocol was exemplified when she politely gestured for former U.S. President Barack Obama to accompany her before the First Ladies at the G20 summit in 2009.

Cultural Sensitivity and Etiquette: When presenting diplomatic gifts, cultural sensitivity is of paramount importance. Leaders must consider the recipient’s cultural background, preferences, and appropriateness of the gift within their cultural context. In the case of the diamond gift to the First Lady, it is essential to note that diamonds are highly regarded in many cultures as a symbol of luxury, beauty, and enduring commitment. However, it is crucial to ensure that the gift aligns with the recipient’s cultural norms and expectations.

Promoting Bilateral Relations: Gift exchanges between world leaders are not just ceremonial; they serve as opportunities to strengthen bilateral ties and establish personal connections. Modi’s gesture of presenting diamonds to the First Lady underscores India’s intent to forge a close bond with the United States and highlights the significance of the economic and cultural partnership between the two countries. Such acts of generosity aim to create a positive impression, enhance diplomatic rapport, and pave the way for future collaborations.

Potential Challenges and Perceptions: While diplomatic gifts are intended to foster goodwill, they can also face scrutiny and be subject to varied interpretations. Critics may argue that lavish gifts could be perceived as attempts to exert influence or gain favor. It is crucial for leaders to strike a balance between showcasing their country’s strengths and being mindful of the perception of ostentation or impropriety. Leaders must also ensure transparency and comply with any legal or ethical considerations surrounding the acceptance of gifts.

Body Language: Nonverbal communication often speaks louder than words during international gatherings. Leaders must be cognizant of their body language, as it can profoundly impact the message being conveyed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s puzzled facial expression and U.S. President Donald Trump’s refusal to shake hands during a meeting in 2017 sent negative signals, straining diplomatic relations. Conversely, Queen Elizabeth II’s relaxed posture and friendly demeanor during a meeting with Irish President Mary McAleese in 2011 fostered a positive atmosphere, promoting reconciliation between nations.

Protocols: Protocols establish guidelines for diplomatic encounters, ensuring smooth and respectful interactions. Violating established protocols can lead to misunderstandings and offense among participating parties. French President Emmanuel Macron’s impromptu meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during a G7 summit in 2019 breached protocol and strained relationships within the summit. Similarly, seating arrangement controversies, such as Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s placement in a prime position during the EU-Africa Summit in 2014, overshadowed the summit’s focus and invited criticism.

Noteworthy Instances Involving Queen Elizabeth II: Queen Elizabeth II has set an example of impeccable etiquette, body language, and adherence to protocols throughout her reign. Her respect for established norms was demonstrated during a meeting with Saudi Arabian King Salman in 2017 when she observed the protocol of not shaking hands with male leaders, instead offering a slight bow. Furthermore, her warm and composed body language during various diplomatic encounters has played a crucial role in fostering positive relationships and enhancing international cooperation.

Examining Narendra Modi’s Mannerisms: While Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is widely regarded for his diplomatic skills, there have been instances where his mannerisms garnered mixed reactions. Modi’s spontaneous hug with French President Emmanuel Macron during a visit to France in 2018 was seen by some as overly familiar and deviating from diplomatic norms. Similarly, his practice of presenting personalized gifts to world leaders and his affinity for bear hugs have drawn criticism for being excessive and unconventional in formal diplomatic settings.

Etiquette, body language, protocols, and others serve as pillars of successful diplomatic engagements when world political leaders come together. Adherence to these norms ensures mutual respect, effective communication, and the establishment of strong international relations.

However, instances, where these norms are disregarded, can strain relationships, invite criticism, and undermine the objectives of diplomatic gatherings. It is essential for leaders to exhibit decorum, balance personal warmth with formalities, and be mindful of the messages conveyed through their actions. By prioritizing etiquette, understanding the nuances of body language, and respecting protocols, world leaders can foster understanding, cooperation, and progress on critical global issues.



Farheen Viquas đź’•

Not chasing popularity, but delving into the depths of the human mind. | Stained Glass & Mosaics | Ms. Introvert | Writer | A dainty entrepreneur |